gtrain.txt Training of 'G' Your first day of training is a long one. As a mere slave you have no name until you earn one. First you are stripped,, your ears and mouth are plugged and you are blindfolded. Then you are wrapped in several layers of sheeting and left in a hammock until you lose track of time. Unable to see hear or move you become disoriented. Suddenly your head is freed from the wrapping and your hair is cut off and your head is shaved. You are fully unwrapped and your hands are tied behind your back, crossed with the hands pointed towards the opposite shoulders. Alligator clips close on your nipples and you are led by them, stumbling blindfolded down a long hallway. You are pulled into a large room and forced onto your knees before a fireplace. Someone grabs your face and forces an erect penis into your mouth. You are told to perform well or be punished. He pulls out and ejaculates on your face. You are pulled to your feet by the nipple clips and led down a long spiral stone stairway to a dungeon. Here your bonds are loosed and you are retied upside down to an X cross. Candles are inserted into your vagina and anus and lit. The gag is replaced in your mouth and you are left for a couple of hours until the candles have almost burned down, the hot wax having spread down your rear crack and into most of your pubic hair. The gag is removed and a thin switch cuts across your breasts. You gasp as it scores your thighs. Soon you are screaming and crying for mercy. The whipping stops and a hand gently caresses your reddened tummy. Then you scream again as the candles and wax are ripped away taking most of your pubic hair with them. The remaining hairs are removed with tweezers. Strong hands take you down from the cross and gently carry you to a warm, soothing bath. Your blindfold and earplugs are removed and you are tenderly washed and anointed with sweet oils by another shaved slave. You start to speak but she places her fingers over your lips. She leaves and a male attendant comes in and binds your arms behind you in the same stringent X. Then he leads you into a room, empty except for a large padded table in the center. He lays you on your back on the table and straps your ankles to the corners, then he straps your shoulders down and then your head. He inserts a gag and leaves. After a while someone enters and inspects your body with his hands, probing your cunny and ass and twisting your nipples between his fingers. He washes your crotch with a warm soap solution and then sews your labia together with fishing line. You pass out. You come to sometime later, no longer with your arms crossed behind you but again swathed in sheets, gagged, blindfolded and deafened with ear plugs, suspended in the hammock. For the rest of the night you drift into and out of sleep, wondering what the morrow will bring. The next morning you are awakened and unwrapped, then given a pale yellow liquid to drink. It has a slightly bitter taste but you drink it avidly since you had neither food nor drink the first day. It makes you feel a little giddy and you almost start giggling. You are led into a small room where your wrists are put in leather cuffs and your ankles are chained to the floor. At this point you giggle and say you have to pee. The male attendant makes no reply but fastens your wrist cuffs to a chain from the ceiling and pulls your arms tightly above your head. A man dressed like a lab technician arrives and you tell him you have to pee. "Well hurry," he snaps. "Go ahead. Hurry." For some reason you blush and hesitate. He comes over and scratches you in the small of the back, which makes you let the urine flow. It feels strange to have it squirt through your stitched pussy lips, and it stings where the stitches are. The man tells the attendant to get a mop and clean up the concrete floor. Then he tells you that he is going to make a plaster cast of your whole body, starting with your head and bust. The whole process, during which your bondage is changed a couple of times, takes all morning. At noon you are given more of the liquid. A fellow slave leads you through a long hallway to a small door which opens out onto a large field with many trees and a pond, and bordered all around with forest. You see fifteen or twenty other slaves, all completely hairless and with labia sewn as your own. You are amazed that they all look so beautiful to you, when only a few days ago you wuld have thought them grotesque. Some of them are wearing ornaments and jewelry through their pierced pussies and nipples. Your companion whispers, "absolute silence" and leads you into a small group who have turned to look at the new slave. You are fascinated by a lovely young woman a little older and taller than yourself from whose nipple rings are hanging two rather large and heavy weights. They pull her breasts into a bizarre shape but a strangely attractive one. She comes up and takes your hand and with a smile kisses your cheeks. Silently she leads you down to the pond. You sit silently together for a while watching the ducks and dragonflies and gazing up at the clouds. Then your new friend wades out into the lake and begins splashing and paddling about. You join her and soon the two of you are cavorting, ducking under water, spraying and splashing each other. You squeal with delight. Her face suddenly contorts into a fearful expression and she turns and hurries out of the water. You race after her. When you get to the shore a male attendant is waiting and pulls you roughly after him into the building. You try to look back for your friend but cannot find her. Soon you find yourself in a dungeon suspended by your wrists and ankles chained together and to the floor. The attendant forces a soft rubber gag into your mouth and attaches a tube with a bulb at the end of it to the front of the gag. He squeezes the bulb and the gag expands in your mouth. He continues to inflate the gag until it enters your throat and cuts off your air. You shake your head and struggle in your bonds. He deflates the gag but your eyes have teared and your nose is full of mucous so you still cannot breathe. He inserts a rubber syringe into your nostrils and sucks out the mucous. You breathe as best you can and try to calm down. He begins to inflate the gag again and you panic. He fills your mouth but stops short of cutting off your breath. Then he leaves. He returns shortly with another slave whose head is encased in a rubber mask which has only two holes for the nostrils. Her arms are bound behind her in the same X which had been your bondage the day before. You can tell it is your friend by the weights hanging from her nipples. She is brought to a spot about three feet in front of you and her ankles are chained as far apart as possible. A pole on a stand is place between her legs and the penis shaped tip is thrust into her anus. A screw apparatus forces it up into her as far as it will go. She twists and strains in her bonds. The attendant leaves, turning out the light. You hang suspended for a long time. Every now and then your friend whimpers and moans in her bonds. "Why punish her?" you think. "I'm the one who broke the rules. Why make her suffer?" Finally an attendant comes and releases you. He leads you to the bath where another slave washes you. You ask her why they are punishing your friend. That is none of our business, she replies. Maybe she did something else to require punishhment, maybe there was no reason, it's none of our business. They don't need a reason to punish us. An attendant comes and puts a trainer gag and blindfold on you, fastening it under your chin and around your head. He leads you down a long hallway to a large room. You feel the space. A fire is going. It is probably the same room you were taken to last night. He makes you kneel and straps each ankle to the same thigh. He puts leather cuffs on your wrists and fastens them to your ankles. Then he fastens a chain to the top of the trainer and pulls your head erect. Next he straps something under your breasts which rests against your stomach and secures it with another strap around your waist. Alligator clamps fasten around each nipple and they are pulled forward as far as they will go. When he places a bottle and glasses on the tray you realize that you have been made into a table. A hand rests lightly on your neck and you hear your lover's voice: "Dear G, You look so lovely tonight." Soon you hear the announcement: "Gentlemen, madame, we present for your pleasure this evening ... " Applause. Your lover whispers to you, "G, she is very lovely, tall, slender, with large breasts.... " To someone else: "She is still open. Bring her closer.... Hold still, my dear." He whispers to you again, "Very interesting. She has five large rings in each breast, forming a cross. I'm sure you will see her later." "They have brought out a wheel and put it on supports. She has amazing flexibility; her head and feet almost touch. Ah! Now they are threading ropes through her nipple rings and stretching her breasts taut towards the ceiling. Now they are threading the other rings." Applause. "Incredible. They have pulled her off the supports. Surely the flesh must tear. Ah. Only for a second. They have let her down again. It would be a pity to mar such beauty." Great applause. To someone else: "Here let me see." Your lover chats with other guests and takes no more notice of you, nor does anyone. After a long while you are unstrapped and taken, still wearing the trainer, to your chamber. You are made to kneel and your cuffed wrists are fastened to a large ring in the wall three feet above the floor. After about half an hour someone comes in and unfastens your wrists. He lifts you up and lays you gently on the cot. He then undoes the trainer. It is your lover. He lies beside you and takes you in his arms. "Dear G, you have done well. I hear you have already made a new friend." You look up at him, questioningly. "She is well." He begins kissing your face and soon you are kissing deeply and passionately. He turns you around and takes you anally. Then you clean him off with your lips and tongue. He refastens your wrists to the wall and pulls the covers over you. He strokes your cheek and leaves. He pauses at the door. "Until tomorrow."